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Courageous - Full Book Review

Honor Begins At Home
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Do you know the real meaning of courage? It is the ability to be oneself, to take chances and to carry on and leave the obstacles behind. It is the power go after your dreams without the fear of what will happen tomorrow. And yes, you may fall in your attempts, but you will sleep better with the knowledge that you have tried your hardest to fulfill your dreams. It takes a lot to be courageous, so do not be afraid to fail and stand up again!

An example of how courage can be tough and worthy at the same time is the magnificent book of Randy Alcon “Courageous”. Courageous is a book about accepting changes from the taken risks and succeeding without changing who we are.

This brilliant book by Randy Alcorn, together with Alex Kenderick and Stephen Kenderick, the creators of the Fireproof and Love Dare is an impressive story about a group of four law enforcement officers who spend their life serving the law and fighting in the drug world. Whilst battling crime, they begin to share their inner fears and connect even more through an honest discussion based on faith. But the most important thing that connected them so well was their common interest - fatherhood.In this impressive story, each of them examines his fatherhood experience and they realize that there is something missing in their past and present lives.

As they try to stop drug trafficking, street violence and drive-by shootings in Georgia, they realize that almost all of these crimes are caused by young boys who grew up without fathers. They grew up without the most important strong male role models, without a family discipline and without love and protection from their loved ones.

The police officers are aware of the true meaning of family and the fact that God wants them to turn their hearts towards their children and to protect them. And, when tragedy hits their home, they have no other choice than to cope with their own fears, hopes, faith and fatherhood.

Courageous is a breathtaking book that will change the way you see some things and it will surely challenge your faith. Even though focused on the dads, this book will challenge both moms and dads to take seriously the responsibility of teaching your children to love God and people. It is a book that should be read by every parent. It deserves a special place in your home as it has a strong Christina message. It will teach you about struggle, fear, faith, hope, love and belief.