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Choosing The Right Mop For The Job

Types Of Mop
Mopping equipment varies greatly in quality and purpose. As you may have noticed at the cleaning aisle of your local supermarket mop heads come in various kinds of materials and colour. Though colour doesn't mean nothing, each type of material has its advantages and disadvantages. While some materials are perfect for dry mopping, others exceed at wet mopping.
Different Types Of Mop
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  • Cotton Yarn
Cotton is not a so good material for mops. Although it is versatile, gentle on surfaces and inexpensive it is also prone to mildew and can have a shorter life than the other materials. Contributing to its downside is the fact that cotton mops takes long to dry, which accelerate deterioration and development of mildew.
  • Blended Yarn
Blended yarn is a combination of synthetic materials or synthetic and natural materials. The most common blend is Rayon and polyester, but you can also see Rayon blended with cotton and polyester. Blend percentages may vary from one brand to another and can affect on the mop's feel, usability and appearance. This is actuality one of the most durable and versatile types of mop head material. However, it is also more expensive when compared to other mop heads.
  • Rayon Yarn
Rayon is a semi-synthetic fabric that can be used with harsh chemicals such as diluted bleach. Unlike cotton yarn, rayon mops dry quickly and are resistant to mildew. One of its disadvantages is that it shrinks when washed and also loses strength when wet. It is ideal for applying floor finishes due to its durability against harsh chemicals and capacity to release liquids rather than retain them.
  • Sponge Mops
Although sponge mops exist, they are not the most recommended for heavy cleaning. They generally do not last as long as yarn mops, and do not work well with a wringer.
Taking Care Of Your Mop
Depending on the type of mop head you become to choose, you will be able to place it into a washing machine, and then hung to dry. Ideally, you should rinse the mop with clean water after every use to prevent it from becoming smelly and too dirty to really clean anything. But as most tend to forget this step, regular laundering or replacing of the mop head is a must. Keep in mind that stronger cleaner can deteriorate the mop head over time. That means your mop may to be in top condition after a couple of mounts of regular use.